Your Queries

Virtual Reference Service

We can be reached through the following Ask your Librarian Services:
Email : You may email your queries to using this emails
Dr. Anil Kumar Jain
Librarian I/C

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The Virtual Reference Service is an unique opportunity to accomplish the following:

  • advice about how to begin researching a topic
  • suggestions about databases to use subscribed as well as open source
  • tips about how to search databases, the library catalog, or the web
  • assistance with evaluating the usefulness of a resource (book, article, web site, etc.) for your assignment
  • help checking whether the library has a copy of a book, magazine, journal, etc., that you need
  • explanation of library services and policies

If you need more instruction about how to use a database, consider attending a “information literacy program” or request your Institution /Department to conduct such programme in collaboration with MJ Library.
This service is not intended for providing answers to “factual” questions (e.g., “What is the Population growth of India?”). We may instead suggest the resource(s) to help you answer your question.
Use of this service constitutes consent for the library to use the transcript of the interaction for research purposes provided that identifying information about the user is deleted.

Disclaimer: The questions will be answered by the library professionals of  working with M J  Library . No claim can be lodged for information delivered through this service.